Modeling agency Mysse Agency

A world-class mother agency specializing in high fashion.

Mysse models regularly work with top brands, appear on the covers of glossy magazines, and conquer world catwalks.

Effective and professional management, many years of experience in Europe, Asia, Ukraine.

The strongest international partners allow us to achieve our goals.

We guarantee only trusted international partners in the field of fashion and advertising.

We guarantee our models complete safety during their work abroad.

We have built an excellent reputation in global fashion through our unique and personalized form of career management.

Franchise with Mysse Agency

Do you want to open your own business in world fashion? Check out our franchise.

Our representatives

Only these people have all the legal rights to communicate with models and customers. If you are offered a job, a contract, or anything related to modeling, people who are not on this page - a big request, let us know.

office in Online

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+54 9 2254 61 4569


Ukraine office in Odessa

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Katarinascout manager

+38 095 704 11 07


office in Turkey 

Location illustration photo

Di-Dileading the project in Turkey

+38 063 737 95 57


Contact us


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